Hi community!
does anyone have a recommendation for an off-the-shelf LoRaWAN frost sensor? I would need it to get messages when the frost hits my wine cellar, so I can turn on the additional water pipe heater. Last winter it costed me a fortune not to know when it’s necessary and when not.
With it, I would like to connect to the Prottes Gateway.
Thanks for your ideas!
Sounds like a great idea! You could abstract your requirement to detect „Frost“ to use a sensor that shows
- Temperature,
- rel. Humidity,
- and Pressure
(like sensors that use BME280 or similar) which enables you to calculate when Frost will occur. This will give you a hint in advance so that you can take counter-measurements on time. With these 3 values it should be possible to calculate the Dewpoint (Taupunkt) and if this is < 0, you will see „Frost“. (Please double check if I’m right, but it sounds feasible )
You could either find a Sensor for these three values or separate Sensors.
An example for a cheap sensor that covers all three values and promises 3yrs of operation with 2xAAA batteries is here: https://www.tindie.com/products/microclimate/microclimatenode/
Another option is this door+window sensor that also offers Temperature and rel. Humidity (no pressure):
If you are more interested on CO2 measurement as side effect, this could be your choice:
Are you dependent on battery or can you provide a power plug (Steckdose)?
Or maybe you want to stick to a Sensor for Temperature only? There are masses of products for Temperature Sensors.
Hi Stefan,
thanks for your answer. I found the tabs sensor for 39,99 feasible. Think I try this one and would like to integrate it into the OpenIoT network, also for you to get more sensor data from around.
I’ll let you know when I’m ready for integration.